AAU sacks two lecturers, nine workers for sexual harassment, others

AAU sacks two lecturers, nine workers for sexual harassment, others

The Management of the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State has dismissed 13 academic and non-academic staff members for offences ranging from falsified age, fraud and gross misconduct to extortion and sexual harassment.

The institution’s acting Vice Chancellor, Prof. Asomwan Adagbonyin, said the decision was based on the recommendations of the University Staff Disciplinary Committee which found them guilty of the offences.

Adagbonyin disclosed this while presenting the committee’s report to the Chairman, Andrew Olotu, and members of the AAU Special Intervention Team on Monday in Benin City.

He disclosed that the affected staff members were from the Faculty of Basic Medical Science, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nursing Department, Engineering Department, Faculty of Law and Political Science among others.

He added that the disciplinary committee recommended that “the criminal aspect of the disengage staff members’ offences should be reported to security operatives.”

Adagbonyin said a lecturer was recommended for sacking after he was found guilty of extorting students of N32,000 and N52,000, adding that a lecturer who was indicted for sexual harassment was also dismissed.

He said, “The lecturer had claimed to only make advances, but he went to the girl’s church to plead for forgiveness. The victim has been protected and reassigned to another lecturer.

“Out of the 209 disciplinary cases received, the USDC has concluded 132 of the cases, while 77 cases are pending.”

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