Our expectations in 2024 — Entertainers

Our expectations in 2024 — Entertainers

OGHENOVO EGODO-MICHAEL and FAITH AJAYI talk to some entertainers about their plans and expectations in 2024, and other issues

What is the most memorable New Year gift you have ever received?

I am not thinking about the gifts that people gave me or would give me. What is bothering me is what I can do to make other Nigerians happy. In case you do not know, I regularly give out things to make life livable for some Nigerians, such as those captured by the Indigenous People of Biafra. They sent me pictures of where they have been detained, and some have not been deeply investigated over the ferocity of allegations levelled against them. I help in terms of money for their daily feeding.

Sometimes, I also go to play with the children who have no parents there. When I am satisfied with the joy I have instilled into them, I suspend it till another day. I do this regularly, and I believe that I am doing something worthwhile. I really don’t care about what people give me.

When people invite me to their places to celebrate one thing or the other, I also derive joy from that.

It is sad that our national budget is so huge, but practically nothing gets to the poor people.

2023 has been ‘saturated’ with the killings in different places. In some places, people are being killed regularly.

The cost of living is rising daily. What measures have you devised to cut costs, especially when people expect you to live in a certain way as a celebrity?

I tell myself the truth. From where will I derive the opportunity to spend lavishly? I have a very large family that matters to me.

I usually go to orphanages to help out. I really care for underprivileged people. A poor person cannot pass by me, and I would let the person go just like that. I give alms. I have been trying my best in my little way, because I am not happy about the situation of things.

What was the highlight of 2023 for you?

I believe that just as it is for every sensitive Nigerian, the killings went out of hand. I am a very sensitive person who cares for other Nigerians. Atrocities keep rising, but government officials do not care for the people, and I am touched.

I thought there would be a better atmosphere under President Ahmed Tinubu, but it appears to be getting worse, even though there is so much money to take care of the situation. To be honest, I am not a happy Nigerian.

What are your expectations for 2024?

The system in Nigeria can be described as ‘garbage in, garbage out’; so, I do not have any expectations.

My new year resolution is to cut costs — Zaaki Azzay

What was the highlight of 2023 for you?

My highlight for the year were the general elections. I have witnessed many elections in Nigeria, but this one scared me, because the competition was very tough.  I am a very patriotic Nigerian, who loves the country, so I was very afraid that Nigeria would scatter with the way the elections were going. Indeed, it was a very tough election. I was glad we could eventually scale through the election without a crisis, and there was a new leadership without bloodshed.

What are your expectations for 2024?

In the New Year, I believe God that all my uncompleted projects in Benue, Abuja and Lagos will be completed. I also want to give my career a boost. I want to pay more attention to my music, especially now that Nigerian music is on the centre stage. We (veterans) are the ones that made the music industry what it is today. So, aside from grooming other people to succeed in the entertainment industry, I need to also satisfy my fans. I am looking forward to release my Extended Play album, of which I have already recorded three songs.

If there was something you could do differently in 2024, what would it be?

This is the first time in my life I witnessed the Naira fall this low, and fuel became this expensive. The cost of things generally became high. Moving forward, I intend to cut down on costs in areas where I can. I also want to develop myself more in the area of information technology. I will also confront people less. No matter what they do to me, I will ignore them.

Are there any projects you are looking forward to working on in the New Year?

I am looking forward to increasing the frequency with which I hold my events. I want to change it from annually to bi-annually.

Who are some of the people you are looking forward to working with?

I would love to work with Olamide; it is long overdue. I will also like to work with Oludipe David, aka Spyro; Ayoleyi Solomon (Reekado Banks), and many other great Nigerian artistes.

What is the biggest lesson you learnt in 2023 and how will you apply it to your work in 2024?

One of my biggest lessons I learnt this year is that one can never trust people. Human beings can do anything for money. It is just so shameful how people can do things that are not right to the detriment of other people’s lives, just to make money. I am shocked that people can change because of money. I also learnt that it is better to trust people who have money, because one can already tell how they act with money.

The cost of living is rising daily. What measures have you devised to cut costs, especially when people expect you to spend lavishly as a celebrity?

I have changed my ways and like I said earlier, I am already cutting down on some of the things I usually do. For instance, I used to fly business class, but in recent times, I go with economy sometimes. I make sure to choose the first seat though.

I don’t pretend or live a fake life and everyone knows that. I will not act like what I am not.

I will worry less in 2024 — Mega 99

What is the most memorable New Year gift you have ever received?

The most memorable New Year gift I have ever got is the gift of life. Despite many difficulties, obstacles and problems, I am always able to cross over. That is one gift I am grateful to God for.

What are the most pressing changes you will like to see in Nigeria?

I will like to make things easy for people. Right now, things are very difficult, and there is so much hunger in the land. That is something I will like to change, vis-à-vis ameliorating the plights of the people.

It is jokingly said that January is the longest month in the year, because one would have spent a lot of money to celebrate the Yuletide, and face reality in the New Year. What’s your experience with January in that regard, and how do you plan your activities and finances in a way that you’re not broke in the first month of the year?

I am always prepared for January. I neither overdo things nor pass my boundary. I already know that January is usually difficult, so I am always prepared for it. That way, I won’t find things difficult in the new year, and beyond.

What is your saddest/most unpalatable New Year experience?

That was when a certain president increased the price of fuel (removed petrol subsidy) immediately after people had just celebrated the New Year. I was not happy about it at all; as a matter of fact, I was very sad about it.

As an entertainer, what is that one thing that you plan to do more of in 2024?

I will have more hit tracks. I will also dance less because in March 2024, I will clock 50.

What will you do differently in 2024?

I will worry less, because I know that everything is in the hands of God.

Cost of living must reduce — Jide Awobona

Do you believe in New Year resolutions?

I actually believe in New Year resolutions, because they help me to plan my life better. They work for me. I try as much as possible to achieve the most I can.

If you could be granted one wish, what would you wish for?

I wish to become a billionaire, and be able to bless a lot of people and impact lives beyond what I am doing right now, because the condition of things in the country is tough. People need money to survive in Nigeria so, if wishes were horses, I wish to become a billionaire to be able to support more people, make them happy, and invest in them financially.

What is the most memorable New Year gift you’ve ever got?

I am not the type that usually gets gifts from people. It is sad that givers barely get things in return in this part of the world. I give more than I receive. I get some gifts randomly, but not really during festive seasons and special occasions, such as Christmas and my birthday respectively.

However, the best gift I have ever received came from a friend, who gave me a big turkey during Christmas. I had never received that kind of gift before. With the way things are very expensive in the country right now, I felt that was so thoughtful of him. I have also got material things too. Recently, a fan-turned-brother sent me a very expensive wristwatch.

Is there any role you look forward to exploring in 2024?

I think I have passed that level of looking out for a particular role, because I have done several of them. However, I love challenging roles. I am only open to bigger projects with prominent characters, although the role is equally important. As long as the role is prominent, has a great impact on the story and is a large-scale production, I am looking forward to it in 2024.

If there is something you could change about Nigeria in 2024, what would it be?

I don’t want to speak from the angle of the economy; I just want to talk as a layman. I don’t know the magic that can be done, but I want the prices of foodstuff and other basic amenities to drop drastically, because the situation of things in the country is hard already. The poor cannot even breathe, so the first thing is food. No matter how poor one is, once one has food, one would be fine to an extent. Gone are the days when I used to buy bags of rice and share to people, because those things are very expensive now.

In what areas do you expect to grow in the New Year?

If you one is trying to grow, one is going to upset a lot of people, and step on toes, so you all should be ready. Every stage of growth is stressful and inconvenient for one and the people around one, so I just must step on toes, though not deliberately. Mature, intelligent and understanding people would understand what one is doing, but not shallow-minded people, because I would be turning down some jobs, and taking up others. There will be a lot of offending people, making new friends, and channelling my energy towards what I want.

I look forward to better economy — Shirley Igwe

Which do you regard as your favourite New Year Celebration? 

I don’t have a particular activity that I do for the New Year. All my New Year celebrations are usually memorable. If I happen to be in the village, I will enjoy it there. If I happen to be in Lagos or anywhere else, I could do fireworks where I am. If I feel like going to church, then I will. Sometimes, I even just sit at home and pray. It is as the spirit leads.

What would you like to do better in 2024?

I am looking forward to doing every single thing better in the New Year, even down to my nails and my hair.

With the current rate of inflation, what are your expectations for next year? 

Everyone knows how much the exchange rate of the dollar to the naira is now, and we do not know how it will be next year. So, just like everyone else, I am looking forward to naira regulation and a better economy.

The cost of living is rising daily. What measures have you devised to cut costs, especially when people expect you to spend lavishly as a celebrity?

I have never been one to do things to please people, because at the end of the day, one is on one’s own. I think I am in order, and I do not necessarily have to start cutting down on anything. I am not an extravagant person.

What advice do you have for intending entertainers out there? 

Generally, the industry is about knowing one’s craft. If you are an actor, make sure you know how to interpret your roles, and you’ll be fine. If you are good at what you do, there will always be that producer who will bring you into their project and spotlight you. The industry is just like an open market.

What is your wish for the New Year? 

I have not thought of any wishes yet. I am still in 2023, and I don’t even know what to wish for yet.

Expect discovery of new talents from me — Charles Awurum

What was the highlight of 2023 for you?

The highlight of this year for me is the dedication of one of a Christ Apostolic Church branch, which was built by my friend, Johnbosco. It is currently one of the biggest churches in Africa.

Another highlight of the year for me was starting my own YouTube channel.

What are your thoughts on using YouTube to revolutionise Nollywood, and generate more income?

In the past, it was only easy for producers and marketers to make money. Independent producers found it very tough back then. But now, private producers are doing well on their own through independent productions on social media platforms, such as YouTube.

What are your expectations for 2024?

I am expecting more efforts from people in the production space. I also want the  world know that we have great talents in Nigeria (Nollywood). Some things are happening now (in the industry), so I am going to work harder.

Since you are very focused on your movie channel, do you see yourself taking on movie roles in 2024?

If I get a role outside and I have the time to honour it, I will do it. It is not compulsory I face only my production.

What is the biggest lesson you learnt in 2023 and how will you apply it to your work in 2024?

As of now, I have produced only three films, and I experienced some challenges. But, I always make sure that my films are better than the previous ones. Next year, I intend to work with veteran actors, and also project new faces.

What are some of the notable changes you have observed in the entertainment industry in recent times?

The industry is flying high now. Both older and younger actors are doing fine, but there is still the tendency to rise or fall. However, talent would separate the good ones from the bad ones.

What advice do you have for young entertainers?

I advise people who want to join the entertainment industry to look beyond the money. Some producers are just interested in what they will get, and are not bothered about building a better industry. People should focus on quality; and not just put content out there for the sake of social media views.

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