Anambra Election: “We Have Not Congratulated Anybody” – APC Publicity Secretary In Trouble For Congratulating Soludo

Anambra Election: “We Have Not Congratulated Anybody” – APC Publicity Secretary In Trouble For Congratulating Soludo

The All Progressives Congress (APC) in Anambra State has sanctioned its publicity secretary, Mr. Okelo Madukaife for alleged anti-party activities.

The party accused Madukaife of issuing unauthorized statements and working generally against the interest of the party in the state.

Specifically, the Anambra State Chairman of the APC, Basil Ejidike said the statement issued by the publicity secretary congratulating Charles Soludo of APGA for winning the recently concluded state governorship election was out of place.

He added that Madukaife has been suspended from the party and replaced with the State Assistant Publicity Secretary, Mr. Nonso Chinwuba.

According to him Madukaife does not belong to the APC and can’t carry on business with the public in the name of the party.

Ejidike said: ”OKelo was suspended in June this year. Someone who was suspended from the party went on air claiming to be making statements on behalf of the party and we feel disturbed. We feel that such a situation should not be allowed.

“If you are not with the party, you are not with it. You cannot be out of the party and still be speaking for the party.

“Since June 2021, Okelo has been raining abuses on APC and its leadership and to put the records straight, he has not been attending meetings and activities of the party.

“His suspension followed his indictment over his involvement in anti-party activities.

“He has since then been replaced by the State Assistant Publicity Secretary, Mr. Nonso Chinwuba in line with the constitution of the party.

“The party, therefore, enjoins the general public and the media in particular to desist from dealing with him as agent of APC. As it stands, Okelo Madukaife does not belong to APC.

“We wish to state categorically that as far as the Anambra Governorship poll is concerned, we have not congratulated anybody as the party is still studying the situation with a view to approaching the court to challenge the poll.”

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